The very first IT-bag ever
That's how the Fendi baguette bag is also known. The bag has disappeared for a while but is now more trendy than ever! We are happy to tell you about the interesting history of this bag.
Why is this bag called a baguette?
Some people think of bread when they hear ‘Baguette’, but fashion lovers don’t, when we hear ‘Baguette’ we think of Fendi.
The name ‘Baguette’ is a wink to the cliché of the French who carry a bread under the arm.
The bag was designed in 1997 by Silvia Venturini Fendi. At first, the Italian fashion house wasn’t happy with the design. It was considered as too small, not functional, too colourful and exuberant. At that time, it was all about minimalism, and the Baguette was everything but minimalistic. Silvia Venturini Fendi kept on advocating her vision.
Different designs of the Fendi Baguette - Pinterest
The look of the bag
Each bag came with a small strap and the famous Fendi logo. The design came in many different patterns and colours. More than 100,000 (!!!) bags were sold in the first year already. The Baguette became the first bag to induce waiting lists at all the big department stores.
The appearance on Sex and the City was magical for the history of this bag. Carrie yelled on the street about het bag:
"It's not just a bag, It's a Fendi "Baguette."
The Fendi Baguette on the arms of Carrie Bradshaw - Pinterest
Over the years, this IT-bag has received considerable coverage in magazines. The bag has been seen on the arms of the most fashionable women: Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts and Naomi Campbell are a few standouts.
The Baguette has its own book, like a real icon. The coffee table book is all about the history of the Baguette. It also features amazing photographs.
Ready to find the perfect vintage Fendi Baguette? Come check the availability in one of our stores, we promise that you will not regret this! U can always send us a message if you have any questions or requests!
With love, Millie